Recently we have come across more programs in organizations and communities addressing resilience. Especially in the spirit of our times, the more ambiguous our world has become, the more we need resilience and a strong core to withstand adversity, maintain our inner stability and peace. So we thrive despite “outer conditions”.  

    When we lack resilience we get easily overwhelmed, may feel like “ things are happening TO us,” where we have no control over. To gain a sense of control and safety, we may tend toward unhealthy choices to handle stress; such as trying to control people and circumstances, protect ourselves by putting distance, or complying with the norms that are not reflecting our truth. As we are not living from our truth and correct nature, the burden and heaviness of it show up as negative emotions like unworthiness, shame, guilt, self-doubt, lack of trust, betrayal, anger, and entrapment. If we don’t know how to face and heal those emotions, we seek temporary comfort in coping mechanisms such as numbing ourselves with alcohol, prescribed drugs, etc, or distracting ourselves with Netflix, intensive physical activities, shopping, socializing, long working hours, putting others and their problems before us, the list can go longer.

    Those emerging negative emotions will follow us like our shadows. They are there for a reason. As if our inner spirit, our true authentic self, is calling for our attention through those emotions. Those emotions point out our limiting and self-defeating beliefs, our fears, and our emotional wounds that need healing. When not healed, we create walls of separation that prevent us to live our true nature and experience love and real intimacy with others leading to mood swings and feeling miserable and alone inside. This will impact our biochemistry and hormones and as a result, our psychology distorts the way we see the world and others, keeping us in this vicious cycle of separation. Eventually, all of this will deteriorate our physical health, manifesting in different physical symptoms and diseases. 

    Every human being is born with a blueprint that defines how you connect to others and the changing world around you. You have your set of gifts and the areas of how and where your shadow manifests. Our relationship with our shadow determines if we can blossom our unique gifts and live our true potential. Each one of us has this longing inside consciously or unconsciously to share our gifts with the world. This is called self-actualization. It is our birthright!

    Facing our fears and negative emotions helps us to heal and make us feel stronger. When we do so, new possibilities open up in front of us, that we wouldn’t ever have imagined. The more we are committed to living out from our authentic self, a life aligned with our vision and values, the more happiness, fulfillment, and love we experience internally and externally. As we learn to express ourselves more skillfully, our gifts will radiate creating a bigger impact in the world.  

    How joining Empowering Circles will support you? 

    Most of us feel the urge to act on this calling from our authentic self, yet in our modern lives, we constantly juggle to keep our life balanced between work, family, friends, and recreational activities. We sometimes feel stuck, confused, helpless, or alone in some situations and we try to change how we feel by making some changes in our lives, often to find that life gets in the way and we slip back to our old habits.  

    We designed our program to meet you where you are in your life and serve you as an ally when dealing with difficult situations. It will assist you to expand your awareness about yourself and your relationships, and provide you with solid tools and knowledge that you can apply in your everyday life. With time you can turn this body of knowledge into wisdom living it through clarity, motivation, and correct actions. Empowering circles will create a safe and courageous space for you with the full support of your circle community to lean into, share and grow together.

    The modular content flow of the program will help you achieve mental and emotional fitness. Like going to the gym, through experiential learning and practices you will build your strong core, hence resilience and you will start creating changes in your life and relationships step by step. Along with the program, you enhance your overall well-being, and you start trusting yourself to create more happiness and content in your life.