How to have personal power and a resilient core in today’s ambiguous world?

Today’s ambiguous world teaches us how to be with uncertainty, sometimes involuntarily. We all face certain challenges while pursuing our dreams, achieving our career goals, maintaining healthy relationships with oneself and others. That leaves us often feeling confused about finding out the right choices for us, disappointed with others or outcomes when our expectations have not been met. If this cycles repeat, we may  feel  helpless and stuck and simply not know what to do next. 

Often what we don’t know and fail to notice, becomes our limitation for change and improve our life. We created this seminar series to provide you those.

Have you thought about….

  • What makes a person magnetic and impactful? How can you be one?
  • How will you know you make the right choices in your career and life? 
  • How can you feel energised, motivated and happy?
  • How can you change your negative emotions and thoughts? Why are there in the first place? And how would this change affect your whole life?
  • How can you let go of self doubt and be confident and comfortable with yourself ?
  • How can you be totally authentic and yourself in your relationships?
  • Are your dreams really belong to yourself or imposed by others/society/family/media?
  • How can you capture and create new opportunities in my life?
  • How can you establish happy, balanced, loving relationships?

In our seminar series we talk about those together.

Structure of our seminar: 

Part 1: How do you give away your power? Living in the program (1 hour) 

  • What is subconscious and why do we call  it the “program” ? 
  • What is the effect of childhood on our adult life? How is it linked with our subconscious ? 
  • “You” on an ordinary day
  • What are the stress behaviors and their impact on your body and relationships?
  • How can you recognise your habitual perspectives, thoughts, attitudes that are not serving you?  And how can you change them?

Part 2 : How can you become an authentic, independent person? Leaving the program ( 1 hour 30 min including Q&A) 

  • What does it mean to be an independent “individual”? And how can you be one?
  • What are the stages of adult development? What is psychological development about ?
  • What does self realisation mean? And why is it your birthright ? 
  • Why is personal development the most important competence in your career? How do you increase your impact? 

Seminar 2

How to thrive as an organisation in today’s ambiguous world?

In our seminar we discuss together ;  

  •  How does exponential change in the world affect you as an organization?
  •  How can you as an organisation deal with increasing complexity ?
  •  What is the new paradigm of leadership?
  •  How organisations are changing ? What can be your next step as an organisation ?
  •  Why achieving business agility is important for you in today’s word? 
  •  What are the main challenges in your agile transformation and how will you over come those?
  •  What is cultural change about and why it matters for you?
  •  Why employee empowerment is your key to thrive as an organisation and how can you make it cost effectively?
  •  How can you be successful innovator as an organization?

The duration of our seminar is 1 hour 30 min including Q&A